As a bove for the Prima ry controller, this setup
item you either to ena ble or disa ble the seconda ry controller. You might choose
to disa ble the controller if you were to a dd a higher performa nce or specia lized
Ena bled
Prima ry HDD controller used
Disa bled
Prima ry HDD controller not used.
Enabled is the default.
The chipset defa ults a re settings which provide for ma ximum system
performa nce. While Awa rd ha s designed the custom BIOS to ma ximize
performa nce, the ma nufacturer ha s the right to cha nge these defa ults to meet their
4.9 Supervisor/User Password Setting
You ca n set either supervisor or user pa ssword, or both of then. The differences
between a re:
supervisor pa ssword : ca n enter a nd cha nge the options of the setup menus.
user pa ssword : just ca n enter but do not ha ve the right to cha nge the
options of the setup menus.
When you select this function, the following messa ge will a ppea r a t the center of
the screen to a ssist you in crea ting a pa ssword.
Type the pa ssword, up to eight cha ra cters in length, a nd press <Enter>. The
pa ssword typed now will clea r a ny previously entered pa ssword from CMOS
memory. You will be a sked to confirm the pa ssword. Type the pa ssword a ga in
a nd press <Enter>. You ma y a lso press <Esc> to a bort the selection a nd not enter
a pa ssword.
To disa ble a pa ssword, just press <Enter> when you a re prompted to enter the
pa ssword. A messa ge will confirm the pa ssword will be disa bled. Once the
pa ssword is disa bled, the system will boot a nd you ca n enter Setup freely.
Secondary PCI IDE
Summary of Contents for P55TU
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