3. Turn the menu dial clockwise until you reach the menu
Op time
readings on HP and add. heat
(menu 7).
4. Press the Select button and scroll through the menus using the menu
The number of hours the heat pump has been in
The menu shows the number of hours that the heat pump has been in
operation since the day of installation.
The heat pump’s hot water mode and heating
mode operations as a percentage
The menu show the heat pump's allocation between hot water mode and
heating mode. The allocation is stated as a percentage. Heating mode
refers to heating of the radiator water.
The number of hours additional heat has been in
The menu shows the number of hours additional heat has been in
operation since the day of installation.
Additional heat’s hot water mode and heating
mode operations as a percentage
The menu shows the heat addition's allocation between hot water mode
and heating mode. The allocation is stated as a percentage. Heating mode
refers to heating of the radiator water.
Set the time and date
The heat pump has functions that are dependent on both the clock and
date. Thus it is important that these are correct. This is how you access the
Clock, setting time and date
1. Press the Heat button until Access = CUSTOMER2 is displayed.
2. Press the Menu button.
Extra functions - Customer level 2
Main menu
Op. time readings on
HP and add. heat 7
Return Select
Op. time readings
Heat pump in operat.
number of hours? 7.1
Return Select
Op. time readings
Distribution HP
DHW-Rad in % 7.2
Return Select
Op. time readings
Add. heat in operat.
number of hours? 7.3
Return Select
Op. time readings
Distribut. add. heat
DHW-Rad in %
Return Select