iver IV013 Install Instructions Download Page 2


  Mark the edge of 


our door at the 


desired height of 


your lever. 


(Figure 1)


  We recommend


around  900mm – 


100mm from


fl oor level, or at the


centre of a lock rail


on a panel door.

1. Marking 


the Door

Preferred product height

Figure 1.

2.  Preparing the Door

2.1  Affi

  x supplied tube latch privacy template to your  


door in the location marked in step 1.1 

2.2  As per template drill an 18mm hole to accommodate  

spindle, ensure to drill from either side of the door to  


avoid splitting the timber.  

2.3  As per template, using your preferred method 

drill mortice hole of H25 x W23 x D77mm on edge 


of the door.  

Figure 2.


  Using a spirit level, mark


the door at the desired 


lever height, continuing


the line from the front of 


the door, around the edge 


and onto the back of 


the door. (Figure 2)


  We recommend extending


the line 100mm onto 


each face of the door.


  Insert the tube latch privacy with face plate and   


mark around the edges with a stanley knife.  

3.2  Using your preferred method create a 4mm recess  

to accommodate the privacy latch and faceplate.  

3.3  Insert the tube latch privacy and face plate unit and  

pre-drill 2mm pilot holes at 6 and 12 o’clock.  

3.4  Install tube latch privacy and face plate with 

provided screws.  

3.5  Please note to change tongue direction pull out and  

rotate 1800 and release.

3. Install Tube Latch Privacy & Face Plate


  Using preferred method create a W22 x H32mm


cavity to a minimum depth of 12mm on the door edge.  

4.2  Remove dust and insert dust box. 
4.3  Place striker plate over cavity and mark around the  

edges with a stanley knife.  

4.4  Using your preferred method create a 4mm recess  

to accommodate the striker plate.  

4.5  Insert dust box and striker plate.  
4.6  Drill two 2mm holes for striker plate screws at 

6 and 12 o’clock and install screws.

4.7  Tighten manually with a screwdriver.  

4.  Install Dust Box & Tube Latch Privacy  

  Striker Plate

Figure 3.



If required, shorten cut-off  screws to suit door 



Ensure to cut so that the screw does not protrude 


from the opposite rose once installed. (Figure 3)

5.  Prepare Cut-off  Screws

if using face fi x timber screws, proceed to step 6

6. Install Tube Latch Privacy Spindle


  Place the tube latch privacy spindle (provided with  


the tube latch) through the latch follower. (Figure 4)


  Roll rubber stopper over opposite end until it locates  


within the groove. (Figure 5)


Figure 4.

Figure 5.


  Remove the outer roses from the door lever set and  


install the halves on either side of the door, ensuring  


the levers function in the correct direction.†


  Insert two of the cut-off  screws through non-


threaded holes of the inner rose at 12 and 


6 o’clock, screwing them into the opposite rose. 


Repeat at 3 or 9 o’clock, depending on location 


of privacy pin, 


(Figure 6)

7. Install Levers



6. (or 5.) 

Figure 6.

† For Helsinki lever unscrew end cap to remove and fi t rose.
