Issued 07/02
1. Empty the powder hopper and clean (see page 10)
2. Blow out the powder hose with compressed air
Powder hoses are easily cleaned by taking a cube of foam pack-
ing material and blowing it through the hose with compressed air.
Use our specially designed compressed air gun (
Order No.
346 055
The foam cubes can be ordered in sheets of 100 pieces (
No. 241 717
3. Dismantle the powder gun and clean (see EasySelect Manual
powder gun operating instructions).
4. Clean the injector (see EasyFlow Injector operating instructions).
5. Prepare the coating equipment for start-up with new powder (see
"Filling the powder hopper" page 6).
Regular and conscientious maintenance increases the operating life of
the unit and ensures a longer constant coating quality!
a) Daily Maintenance:
1a Clean the injector, see EasyFlow Injector operating instructions
2a Clean the powder gun, see EasySelect Manual powder gun
operating instructions.
3a Clean the Manual powder gun powder hose, see Colour change,
Point 2.
b) Weekly Maintenance:
1b Clean the powder hopper, injector and powder gun.
Only fill the powder hopper shortly before restarting operation
2b Check the grounding connection between the control unit and the
coating booth, the object hanger device or the chain conveyor
c) When the Powder coating equipment is not used for a number of days:
1c Remove the Mains plug
2c Clean the coating equipment, see Point 1b
3c Turn off the main compressed air supply