2.7 Connection of piping
Connect suction and discharge piping. Rotate the pump shaft by hand several complete revolutions to be
sure that there is no binding and that all parts are free. Recheck alignment as described in Section Align-
ment - initial. If the connection of the piping causes unit to be out of alignment, correct piping to relieve
strain on the pump.
2.8 Check rotation
These pumps are built in right hand construction, i.e., clockwise rotation from driver end. The direction of
rotation is marked on the pump casing. Make sure that the driver rotates in the same direction. On elec-
tric motors, jog starting switch with coupling disconnected to be sure wiring is connected for correct rota-
tion. If the pump is run dry, the rotating parts within the pump may gall and seize to the stationary parts
as they depend on the liquid being pumped for lubrication.
2.9 Connection of coupling
Connect coupling, following instructions for the particular make of coupling furnished. The data is sup-
plied separately, giving complete instructions for connection, lubrication, alignment and maintenance.
Spider-insert type couplings are pre-assembled.
2.7 Connection of piping
Model 3755 Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual