Show Time
Geo Fence
You can set the tracker to report if it is moved out of an area by setting a
Geo Fence
To do this you send an SMS giving the latitude and longitude of a square. You first set
the upper left hand limit of the square by giving its longitude and latitude then the
same for the bottom right hand corner. Don
t make the square too small, it should be
a minimum of 100 metres square. You can find the longitude and latitude by using
one of the many online mapping systems.
The format is spspace+latitude,longitude,latitude,longitude
“stockade123456 27.145698,10.346251,27.134961,10.297612”
To deactivate the Geo Fence send “nospassword”
Example “nostockade123456”
Movement Alert
The tracker can be set up to send an alert if it is moved more than 500 metres from a
set location. The tracker has to be in the same location for up to ten minutes for its
position to be fixed before the movement alert activation message is sent. Once the
movement alert has been set the tracker will send out SMS messages every three
minutes until deactivated.
To activate send “move+password”
Example “move123456”
The tracker will reply with an SMS saying “move ok”
To deactivate send “password”
Example “nomove123456”
R E M E M B E R !
Your first line of defence
against a thief is our It’s
Mine brand. When using
the ITM 106 Tracker as a
crime prevention aid
always use the label
provided to put
potential thieves off.