BIOS Setup
PIO Mode
Selects the data transfer mode. PIO means Programmed Input/Output.
Rather than have the BIOS issue a series of commands to effect a transfer
to or from the disk drive, PIO allows the BIOS to tell the controller what it
wants and then let the controller and the CPU perform the complete task by
themselves. Your system supports five modes, 0 to 4, which primarily differ
in timing. When Auto is selected, the BIOS will select the best available mode
after checking your drive.
The default is Auto. The BIOS will automatically set the system according to
your hard disk drive’s timing.
Mode 0-4
You can select a mode that matches your hard disk drive’s timing. Caution:
Do not use the wrong setting or you will have drive errors.
DMA Mode
This field allows you to set the Ultra DMA in use. When Auto is selected, the
BIOS will select the best available option after checking your hard drive or
Automatically detects the DMA mode.
SingleWord DMAn.
MultiWord DMAn.
Ultra DMAn.
The system board supports SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting
Technology) hard drives. SMART is a reliability prediction technology for ATA/
IDE and SCSI drives. The drive will provide sufficient notice to the system or
user to backup data prior to the drive’s failure. SMART is supported in ATA/33
or later hard drives. The options are Auto (default), Enabled and Disabled.
32Bit Data Transfer
Enables or disables 32-bit data transfer.