ZERO relative function
1.The ZERO relative function subtracts an OFFSET
(stored when the key has been pressed) from the
present measurements and displays the result.
2.To enable this function press the ZERO key for less
than 1 second. Consequently on the display will
appear the message "ZERO" and the relative
3.Pressing the ZERO key again for less than 1
second the display will show the offset; and the
message "ZERO" start blinking.
MAX MIN function
Before pressing MAX/MIN but ton, please take off
test leads from circuit and/or Voltage / Ohm jack to
prevent electric surge cause high MAX figures.
1. This function allows the instrument to store the
MIN and MAX values of the quantity selected with
the rotary switch.
2. To enable this function press the MAX/MIN key
less than 1 second; consequently on the display
will appear the message ”MAX”. In this mode the
clamp measures and shows the maximum value of
the selected quantity. This value will be
automatically update if a bigger value will occur.
3. Pressing again the MAX/MIN key less than 1
second, the message “MIN” will appear on the
display. In this mode the clamp measures and
shows the minimum value of the selected quantity.