Simon Version 2 Quick Guide
https://alpha.adt.com/help/38.html[11/8/2018 11:50:02 PM]
To disarm, press the [Disarm] button once + your [security code].
For more information on this topic please visit the complete
The Simon Version21 operates on the
Loss of AC power and use of backup battery power is indicated by
No AC.
A low battery condition is indicated by
Low Bat.
For instructions on replacing your battery, please go to the
for this battery.
Bypass Protected Areas
Bypassing a zone allows you to arm your system with certain protected areas intentionally unarmed or to
access a protected area when the system is armed.
a zone, open the door or window you want to bypass and keep it open during the
arming process.
Press the [Arm Doors & Windows] button. The system will announce that a sensor is open. Press
the [Arm Doors & Windows] button again to bypass those zones left open.
To unbypass
, press [DISARM] + [security code].
For more information on this topic please visit the complete
Change Date and Time
To change the
date and time settings:
Enter your [security code].
Select [CLOCK SET] from the Start menu.
To change the clock settings, press and hold the [Hours] button.
Use the [+] and [-] keys to find and select the desired hour.
Use the [+] and [-] keys to find and select the desired minutes.
Press the [Done] button to set the time and exit the menu.
Chimes and Beeps
When your system is in chime mode, a chime alert will sound three tones whenever a protected
door/window is opened.