ITALFARAD S.p .A. via IV novembre n.1 Minerbio (BO) It aly
When the led CAP is on because of the insertion of a capacitive load too heavy or because
of the disconnection of an inductive load, the regulator disinserts one ore more banks.
A situation which is different from the above is to be considered as an operating
Make sure that the connections have been made according to the diagram on the back
of the RC4.
Anomalies can happen because of the lack of feeding (check the voltage = 380 V), the
lack of current (check with an ammeter), the pendulation i.e. the continuous insertion
and disinsertion of a bank (increase C/K value) the wrong measurement (check the right
sequence of the phases) the missed power factor correction (with all inserted banks, the
power factor is < 0.9; in this case the board is not suitably dimensioned). lf, after all the
above mentioned checks the anomaly persists, the regulator is defective.
Keeping the button STEP RESET pushed, a progressive disconection of the banks is
caused with breaks each 5 sec. approx.
5. Operating anomalies
6. Capacitor banks manual disconnection