The unit, parts and workmanship are fully guaranteed to be free of defects under normal use and
service for a period of three year from the date of purchase.
Any damage resulting from the misuse or the failure to follow the precautions and instructions
will void the warranty.
In the event that the unit needs to be repaired. Please return the unit to ISP Technologies
directly. Simply repack the unit, send a copy of the original receipt, a note stating the problem,
and send it to:
ISP Technologies, LLC
5479 Perry Dr. Suite B
Waterford, Mi. 48329
Attn: Repair Dept.
All shipping charges must be fully prepaid.
ISP will not be responsible for any damages incurred in shipping of any unit. Any claim will need
to be settled with the shipping company.
The warranty will be voided if the serial number has been tampered with in any way.
Should you have any questions for the repair department prior to returning the product please
call 1-(248)-620-6795
NOTE: This Product may be covered under one or more of the following patents or patents
pending: 7,035,413; 6,944,305; 6,931,134; 6,831,514; 6,091,013
NOTE: If it is determined that the power amp module has failed, it is possible for an ISP certified
service center to remove the module from the cabinet by removing the mounting screws and
disconnecting the speaker terminals and the transformer. The module may be sent back to ISP
separately. Please contact ISP for technical support to help determine if the amplifier module
may be defective.
5479 Perry Dr. Suite B
Waterford, MI. 48329
FAX: 248-673-7696