4. Never charge a battery longer than necessary. When it is fully charged, remove the battery. Leaving a
battery on charge when it is full may degrade it s performance. Although e cigarette batteries are equipped
with circuitry that is supposed to prevent overcharging, electrical components DO fail sometimes and
overcharging could result in a fire.
Fill Your Needle Tip Bottle
We include a Needle Tip Bottle with all of our eLeaf Mini iKits. Although it is possible to fill it without one, it
is MUCH easier filling an eLeaf Mini with a needle tip bottle.
First, you'll need to fill your empty needle tip bottle with e-liquid. Pop the rubber needle tip cap off and then
unscrew the lid from the bottle. Fill the bottle with e-liquid, screw the cap back on and press the rubber
needle tip cap back on in order to prevent a spill. It doesn't get much easier than that!
Filling Your iSmoka eLeaf Mini Electronic Cigarette
An eLeaf Mini is made up of five pieces all of which are assembled when you get your kit. You'll need to
disassemble some of the parts in order to fill it, though.
1. Leaving the silver Atomizer Base attached to the Battery, unscrew the Atomizer Tube from the Atomizer
Base. The Atomizer Head will either be inside of the Atomizer Tube or it will fall down onto the Atomizer
Base. If the Atomizer Head remains in the Atomizer Tube, tap the tube gently, which should cause the
atomizer head to fall out of the tube. You can also usually grab it with your finger nails and pull it out.
2. If you look closely, you will see that there is an inner clear tube inside of the atomizer tube. That inner tube
is the airflow portion of the Atomizer Tube, which leads directly to the Mouthpiece. NEVER put liquid into
the inner tube unless you want to inhale a mouthful of e-liquid! Hold the mouthpiece tip in your fingers with
the Atomizer Tube facing up. Using a syringe or the included needle tip bottle, carefully squeeze liquid into
the outer portion of the Atomizer Tube, making sure that you do not fill it higher than the inner tube
(overfilling it will cause e-liquid to get into the inner tube). You should be able to get just under 1 ml of e-
juice into the outer portion of the Atomizer tube without overfilling it.
3. While still holding the clearomizer tube, mouthpiece side down, insert the pointy side of the Atomizer Head
into the tube (flat part facing out) and then screw the Battery/Atomizer Base onto the Atomizer Tube until it
is snug. DO NOT OVER-TIGHTEN or you could crack the tube.
Your eLeaf Mini is now assembled and ready for use!
Although the instructions listed, above, are the "official" ones for filling an eLeaf, many customers
report that it is much easier to fill them by unscrewing the mouthpiece tip off of the atomizer tube and fill it
from the top. Please keep in mind that you will need to make sure that no e-liquid gets down the center
portion of the tube when filling your eLeaf this way, too!
Using Your eLeaf Mini E-Cigarette
All eLeaf Mini iKits have automatic batteries that sense when you are inhaling. There are no buttons to
push. Simply draw lightly on the mouthpiece and vapor will automatically be generated. You will also notice
that the tip of the battery will glow blue every time you take a drag (you might need a mirror to see this). If
the battery
does not glow, no vapor will be released, which usually means that the battery is not charged.
Like all automatic battery e-cigarettes, it is next to impossible to prime a brand new eLeaf Mini
atomizer without creating a real mess. Because of this, your first few drags may not taste so great or
produce tremendous vapor. After 4-5 puffs, the atomizer will become primed with your e-liquid and you will
get more and better tasting vapor.