Wipe the Seal Heater guard with a soft dry cloth. Clean any areas contaminated by food residue with a cloth
dampened with alcohol such as isopropanol (isopropyl).
Seal Heater guard
Seal heater
Wipe with a soft dry cloth. Clean any areas contaminated by food residue with a cloth dampened with alcohol
such as lsopropanol (isopropyl).
Routine cleaning
Press the "CLEANING" function key then press "START". After the
machine moves to the cleaning mode position turn OFF the machine.
Wait until the Seal Heater cools down (approximately 15 minutes) before
starting to clean the machine.
Wash your hands and wear clean gloves.
Use a cloth dampened (not wet) with water to which a mild detegent has
been added.
Use an alcohol spray to sterilize areas in direct contact with food or trays.
Routine cleaning of the parts described in this section should be carried out on a daily basis.
Daily routine
Routine cleaning and maintenance