This service manual contains information necessary for handling the machine. It is strongly advised
that the following safety measures must be observed to ensure the safe handing of the machine:
Servicing is to be carried out by qualified service personnel only
These service instructions are for use by qualified service personnel who fully understand the
potential hazards involved. To avoid any possible danger, do not perform any service procedures
unless qualified to do so.
Perform only the specified service procedures
To ensure personal safety, do not perform any service procedures that are not specifically
mentioned in this manual.
Avoid servicing while power is being supplied when using an AC power
When using an AC power, the power supply to the machine is disconnected only when the electrical
plug is removed from the electrical outlet. For protection against electrical shock, remove the plug
before performing any servicing to the machine. Servicing the machine while power is being
supplied and opening or removing covers or enclosures should be avoided as much as possible.
When servicing cannot be performed by any other means, service personnel should take
precautions against the danger of electrical shock or other potential hazards involved.
The precaution symbols in this manual and precaution stickers affixed to the machine itself are divided
into three categories depending on the level of danger or seriousness of potential injury. The definition
for each of these warnings and precautions are shown below. Failure to heed these precautions may
result in bodily injury or damage to the machine.
Indicates information that, if not heeded, is likely to result in loss of life or
serious injury.
Indicates information that, if not heeded, could possibly result in loss of life or
serious injury.
Indicates information that, if not heeded, could result in relatively serious or
minor injury, damage to the machine, or faulty operation.
INS-100 Service Manual No. 085-6692-09