S p e z i a l e l e k t r o n i k G m b H
iseg Spezialelektronik GmbH
Email: [email protected]
Phone ++ 49 (0)351 / 26 996 - 0
Bautzner Landstr. 23
++ 49 (0)351 / 26 996 - 21
D - 01454 Radeberg / Rossendorf
16-channel High Voltage Bipolar Power Supply EBS F 030
= - 3 kV to + 3 kV / 500 µA
Operators Manual
(Device with SN: 77xxx)
1. General information
2. Technical data
3. Handling
Certificate of calibration
-It is forbidden to use the unit if the covers have been removed.
-We decline all responsibility for damages and injuries caused by an improper use of the
module. It is highly recommended to read the manual before any kind of operation.
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice. We take no responsibility for any error in the
document. We reserve the right to make changes in the product design without reservation and without
notification to the users.
Filename EBSF030_V100eng.___; version 1.00 as of 2009-05-05