1. Introduction
1.1. About this Document
The document contains description and operating procedure of the iRZ ATM2-232 GSM/GPRS modem
(hereinafter referred to as ATM). The document is intended for the users who are in charge of configuration and
maintenance of systems where data is transmitted via this device.
Document version
Firmware version
Hardware Version
Issue Date
Written by
Y. Petrova, P. Malikova
Approved by
D. Pavlov, G. Samakova
Also refer to
getting started with the ATM Control application and the modem basic setup
– the "Setting Up iRZ ATM
Step by Step. ATM Control" document;
setting up the modem via ATM Control
– the "User Guide on the ATM Control Modem Configuration
Utility" document;
setting up the modem via AT commands
– the "AT Commands to Set Up the iRZ ATM2-232 Modem"
the benefits of the iRZ Collector special-purpose server
– the "iRZ Collector. Solution Overview" docu-
the use of the iRZ Collector dispatcher application
– the "iRZ Collector. Dispatching Software Setup
and Operation User Guide" document.
1.2. Operating Instructions
The modem can interfere with electronic devices; therefore there are the following limitations on its use:
Power off the modem in medical centres and keep it away from medical equipment (for example, cardiac
pacemakers, and hearing aids).
Power off the router in aircraft, take measures against accidental switch-on.
Power off the modem near gas stations, enterprises of chemical industry, in areas where blasting opera-
tions are in progress.
At close range the modem can interfere with television and radio receiver operation.
To ensure safe operation, follow the recommendations: