Page No. 49
SD card speed
The size of a photo also affects the time it takes for the security light to
write the data to an SD card. Different cards have different write speeds
measured in megabits per second (Mb/s). The faster the card, the less
time it takes for any given size of file to be written to it.
Photo Burst
As discussed above, it takes a small amount of time for your security light
to store each photo. The faster the SD card, the shorter this time will be.
Similarly, the smaller the file size (e.g. a low resolution photo) the
shorter the write time. This is normal for digital cameras.
As the amount of detail in the picture will also affect file size there is no
absolute time for how quickly your security light can take multiple photos
but to achieve the shortest time possible between photos when using burst
mode set the Burst Delay to the minimum, set the Photo Resolution to
Low and use a very fast SD memory card.
Similarly, taking bursts of high resolution photos will slow your security
light down and can take up to 5 seconds between shots. This is normal.