– 16 Camera DVR
2.5.2 Motion Detection
The setup method of motion detection is the same as the setup of ‘Alarm-In’.
Sensitivity refers to the motion detection sensitivity which can be set when the
recording mode is motion detection or motion detection & alarm recording.
Choose the sensitivity from the drop-down list, and confirm and save the
Setting procedures:
Select channel, sensitivity and set the detection area. Sensitivity is set to ‘Off’
by default with options from 1-9 (9 being the most sensitive). Detection areas
are set a ‘Full Region’ by default.
Save the parameters and set recording schedule by time. (Please see the 2.3.3
recording schedule for reference).
Use the mouse to drag and draw/select detection areas
A red block indicates motion detection is activated for this area and a
transparent block indicates motion detection is not activated, as shown above.