© 2012 iPulse Systems
Page 5
This is the Wiring diagram for the Intelli Relay.
1-Wire: This is connected to your iPB6 reader. You can see the corresponding ports on the readers
wiring diagram
Door status: If you are using a lock that provides feedback on its status i.e. open or closed this is where
the feedback wiring will be connected to.
Pushbutton: You can connect the pushbutton or a break glass directly to the relay here.
Pushbutton Delay: By putting these switches in their corresponding positions you can control the length
of the delay for the pushbutton.
12V DC IN: Supply the relay 12V DC power in order for it to operate.
Relay1/Relay2: These are the connectors where you will be connecting your locks, buzzers, lights, etc.
If the relay is triggered both these relays will activate. They do not activate separately.