IPS WATER-TITE Quick Start Manual Download Page 1

Water• Tite


Heavy Duty  

Plastic Washing  

Machine Pans 

Provides protection from washing  
machine overflow or hose failure. 

500 Distribution Parkway, Collierville, TN 38017  /  800-888-8312 • FAX 901-853-5008 

www.ipscorp.com  /  [email protected] 


Water-Tite Washing Machine Pans easily fit underneath machines 
to prevent water damage to floors associated with washing 
machine or hose leaks. The pans protect floors from scuffs, spills, 
and overflows; and meets code for use in second floor laundry 
rooms. The included PVC adapter will securely attach to a drain 
line for water evacuation.


•  White, High-impact plastic – will not rust, corrode or crack

•  1” x 1½ PVC drain connection included

•  Provides protection from washing machine overflow or hose failure

•  Pan not drilled, design allows for many drain options
