13. FAQ
• I forgot my network name (SSID) or Admin password.
Use a pin or paper clip to press the Reset button on WS-01 to reset the device. WS-01 will reboot
after 3-5 seconds. It takes about 100 seconds for WS-01 to complete the booting process. The
Default network name (SSID) can be found on the label located on the bottom of the device
(see Page 12), and the default password for Admin is "admin".
• Can I stream video from WS-01 on multiple devices simultaneously?
Yes. But due to bandwidth limitations, it is not recommended to have more than 3 devices streaming
video from WS-01 simultaneously. Connecting to WS-01 with multiple devices may cause Live View to lag.
• Some of my files in WS-01’s storage will not open.
Your file is not compatible with iOS/Safari. For more information on what file format is
supported, please refer to Apple's iOS Technology Overview.
IPEVO WS-01_3524
MAC Address:
Bottom of WS-01