4. Why can’t I use some functions in Point of View?
Some of the functions such as “shoot and send” and “ remote monitor” are integrated with
Skype. Some functions are not compatible with other instant messenger program.
5. Why can’t I send out images by using Point of View?
Check the API access control and the connection between you and your contact to begin using
PoV with Skype.
Follow these steps: click “tool” on your Skype screen and choose “option”. In the option
screen, choose advance, then click “updates”. On the bottom, you should see “manager other
programs’ access to Skype”. Choose “PoV.exe”, and check “ allow this program to use Skype.
6. Why there are some ripples in my preview window?
a. If you are using a PC with USB ports in the front and back, please try to insert PoV to the
USB port in the rear instead of the front ports. If you are using a USB hub, it should be
connected to an external power adapter. The problem could be that there is not enough
power being supplied to your USB ports.
b. The Problem could be caused by insufficient bandwidth. We suggest you use USB2.0, or
change image capture to a smaller resolution.