U s e r m a n u a l
1 Appearance:--------------------------------------------------- 3
1) key layout and unique keys-------------------------------- - 3
2 How to start it---------------------------------------------------- 4
1) to power it on --------------------------------------------------- 5
2) to connected it with your PC,Pi, TV box-------------------- 5
3) to charge the keyboard --------------------------------------- 5
3 to make best of the keyboard --------------------------------- 6
1) how to use the movie playing zone------------------------- 6
2) how to use the touchpad ------------------------------------- 6
3) how to use the scroll bar-------------------------------------- 7
4) how to use the navigation keys------------------------------ 7
5) how to use the shortcut and blue character keys--------- 7
4 Troubleshooting tips ------------------------------------------- 8
1)falure in connection---------------------------------------------8
2)bad connection-------------------------------------------------- 8
3)weird touchpad-------------------------------------------------- 9
4)confused indicators---------------------------------------------10
5)charging problem----------------------------------------------- 10
6) Disposal of the rechargeable lithium battery-------------- 10
5 Safety matters and maintenance------------------------------11
6 warranties and after services--------------------------------- 11
7 contact us --------------------------------------------------------11
2) the indicators-------------------------------------------------- 3
3) key lock----------------------------------------------------------4
How to use the QWERTY keys and some unique keys------ 7
some useful tips to optimize this keyboard keys------------------ 8
Basic description ------------------------------------------ ----- 2