5. Getting Started
In order to experience the full GOTO
capability of GOTONOVA technology it is
very important to set up the mount correctly
before observation.
5.1. Level and Align the Mount
5.1.1. Level the Mount.
Leveling is critical for a good GOTO and
tracking accuracy.
First, loosen tripod rod (#4) and tripod lock
(#1) a little. Then loosen azimuth clutch lock
(#11) half turn. Check the bubble level
indicator (#19), adjust the level adjustment
screws (#6), and center the bubble in the
indicator. Turn the mount by a hand and
make sure that the mount is leveled on all
sides while turning. Adjust the level
adjustment screws again if the bubble is not
centered while turning.
Tighten the azimuth clutch lock (#11).
Tighten the tripod knob (#3). Tighten the
tripod lock (#1). Make sure the mount is
always leveled.
Figure 19
5.1.2. Initial Positions
Each time the Mount is turned on, the
default position is Parking Position,
altitude is 90º0’0” and azimuth is 180º0’0”,
which means the “SOUTH” mark is pointing
to south and the telescope is pointing
straight up at the zenith. To set the Park
Position, you can:
Face the South.
Align the Mount to south
by turning the South mark facing south. An
additional compass is needed. There are
two ways to do so. One is loosen the
azimuth clutch lock (#11) a little and
manually turn the Mount to face south. Then
tighten the azimuth clutch lock again. The
other is turn on the mount. Turn the mount
facing south using hand control. Then turn
off the power.
Do not put the
compass directly on top of the mount. The
motor parts of the mount could affect the
pointing accuracy of the compass.
Point to Zenith.
Unlock the altitude clutch
lock (#13) and rotate the telescope to point
up directed at the Zenith. A torpedo level
may help.
Figure 20
Once it is straight re-tighten the altitude lock
to make sure OTA is secure and will not
5.2. Setting Up the Mount
A MiniTower Pro is equipped with a GPS
receiver, which will receive the local time,
(1) South
(2) Up