SF6 P2 Instrument User Manual V1.2
Unrivalled Gas Detect
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Configuration via the PC interface
Connecting to the host computer
Parameter modification in stand-alone operation is done
exclusively through the host computer interface. This has
the clear advantage that any unintended or unauthorised
fiddling is discouraged.
The user parameters described in the following are
relevant for stand alone operation only. In network
operation, parameters received from the network base
unit will take precedence.
The host computer interface follows RS232 standards. A
special interface cable connects to the 3 position plug,
which is found between the two blue clamp blocks.
The lamp next to the plug indicates the presence of valid RS232 levels from the host. It will be lit when the host is on
and correctly connected.
On the host computer, a standard terminal program is used to talk to the SF6 AREACHECK P2. A suitable program
called "Hyper Terminal" is a standard Microsoft Windows component and by default present in most installations.
Optionally, any other terminal software will work.
Set up the terminal program for the following parameters: 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. This is a
standard configuration also known as "9600-8-N-1". Further, select "none" for the handshake protocol, and "TTY" as
emulation if available. The option "append CR" for received lines should be checked for a more readable screen
output. For your convenience, we will be pleased to send you a predefined configuration file for "Hyper Terminal"
which will perform all relevant settings for you.
While the PC interface is connected, the instrument will talk to the host computer only and no longer
communicate over the network. When present, an SF6 NETWORK CONTROLLER P2NC will see this station as
"OFFLINE" and issue an alarm accordingly.
User parameters
User adjustable parameters are the time interval between each two samples ("Scan period") and the alarm level. To
activate the setup, from the terminal first send a line feed, then the instruction "TtS", followed by another carriage
return. A choice menu with the following options will then be presented:
<1> Scan period
<2> Alarm level
<3> Exit and resume operation
Just type the corresponding number to invoke the desired option. Any other inputs will be discarded.
After selecting "<1> Scan period", enter the desired time interval in minutes, followed by a carriage return. The
allowed range is 1-99 minutes.
Upon selecting "<2> Alarm level", enter the number corresponding to the desired alarm level.
Option <3> will finish the setup and return the instrument to normal operation. Since it will now perform a restart.