Other Configuration
Launch Config Utility
Select this option for Main menu.
Use Zero Configuration as Config Utility
Windows XP only
Select this option to use Windows to set up and manage
your network connection. For Windows Vista, 7 or higher,
this mode is not essential since you can use both Windows
and the Utility to manage GWU635 AC wireless adapter
without changing operating modes.
Switch to AP Mode
Windows 7 and higher
Select this option to allow GWU635 AC Wireless adapter
connect to an available network and share this network
connection to other client devices that is connected to
GWU635 AC Wireless adapter.
Switch to AP Mode
Windows 7 and higher
Select this option to set up your computer system as an
Access Point to an existing network and create your own
wireless network.
Once exist from the utility; any wireless connections
managed by the Mediatek Utility will be disconnected.