Confirm shroud is aligned correctly and straight with front of display counter.
Fully tighten washer.
Plug power supply to OEM and plug into outlet.
Page 1: ...CT100 Premium Tablet Stand ...
Page 2: ...and CT100 2 Shroud 3 Power Connector 4 OEM Power Supply 5 IR Key AF4400 or PK4400 To unlock shroud from stand System Overview The Premium Commercial Tablet Stand and Shroud are used to secure your tablet TT15 Bit Drill Hole Saw 19 mm 0 75 Shroud Tablet Stand CT100 OEM Power Supply Key AF4400 or PK4400 Power Connector TOOLS ...
Page 3: ...u n ti n g a re a F O R E X T E R N A L U S E O N L Y K E E P O U T O F R E A C H O F C H IL D R E N K E E P A W A Y F R O M E Y E S A N D F IR E C O N T E N T S O n e p ad sa tu ra te d in 7 5 Is o p ro p y l A lc o h o l D I R E C T I O N S A p p ly to p ic a ll y a s n e e d e d to c le a n s e s u rf a c e m o u n ti n g a re a F O R E X T E R N A L U S E O N L Y K E E P O U T O F R E A C H O ...
Page 4: ...battery Remove both adhesive films on stand and slide cord and stand threaded post through hole Press firmly for at least 10 seconds Slide tablet into bottom shroud Slide top of shroud to merchandise Tighten both screws with TT15 bit ...
Page 5: ... metal washer onto stand below counter Slide stand cord in opening of washer Loosely tighten washer Snap shroud onto stand You should hear a beep Confirm shroud is fully engaged on all sides and is locked on stand by pulling on shroud ...
Page 6: ...10 11 7 8 Confirm shroud is aligned correctly and straight with front of display counter Fully tighten washer Plug power supply to OEM and plug into outlet ...
Page 7: ...13 9 Removing Shroud Place IR key onto IR lens on stand Press button on IR key to release shroud from stand Stand will re lock automatically after 5 seconds Rotate shroud 90 degrees to display in landscape ...
Page 8: ... power supply is plugged into stand cord and outlet page 11 Q Lock is not engaging A 1 Confirm power supply is plugged into stand cord and outlet page 11 Q My stand is loose or not stable A Confirm clear film on adhesive has been removed page 7 and wingnut below counter is fully tightened page 10 T Once IR Key is used to remove shroud from stand you have 10 seconds before stand re locks page 13 T ...
Page 9: ... InVue is a registered trademark of InVue Security Products SD0190 Rev1 02 24 14 www invuesecurity com Corporate Office North America 704 752 6513 888 55 INVUE Europe Middle East Africa 31 23 8900150 Asia Pacific 852 3127 6811 Latin America 52 55 90003957 ...