The following diagram describes reception of a single satellite feed by up to 16 Unicable
(EN50494) receivers:
For optimized performance, please follow the recommendations below:
1. Use the highest frequency for a wall socket located the nearest to the multiswitch and use
the lowest frequency for wall socket located farest to the multiswitch.
2. If you install less than 32 receiver tuners, use the lowest frequencies first. We also recom-
mend to keep record of the user bands allocated to the different connections as these user
bands will then have to be set in the receiver. The satellite receivers connected to the Uni-
cable II output should be Unicable compatible (ie EN50494 and/or EN50607 compatible).
Note: For optimal performances, the loopthrough outputs that are not used shall be terminated
with 75ohm DC de-coupled terminating resistors.