Appendix A: Reprocessing Preparation in the Operating Room
da Vinci SP Instruments and Accessories
Appendix A: Reprocessing Preparation in
the Operating Room
For full Reprocessing information, refer to the
da Vinci SP Reprocessing Instructions
Note: Carefully remove all accessories, including disposable attachments, such as
removable tips, before reprocessing.
When disposing of Intuitive Surgical instruments, accessories, or components, follow
institution biohazard protocol and all applicable national and local laws and guidelines.
Prime and Soak
Note: The cleaning preparation process (as described below) must begin within
minutes after the procedure. Intuitive Surgical recommends starting
immediately after the procedure to avoid drying of residual soil on devices.
Prime the instrument using a syringe with a Luer fitting to fill the Primary Flush Port with
15 mL cold water, or with enzymatic cleaner prepared in accordance with the chemical
manufacturer's directions.
Soak the instruments in cold water or cleaner, or spray the instruments with a pH-neutral
preparation cleaner. Alternatively, if the foregoing cannot be done, then employ a method to
keep the instrument tips moist. Observe the specifications of the chemical manufacturer.
Transport to Sterile SPD or CSSD
Observe your in-house hygiene regulations, and use only suitable containers to transport
devices to the sterile processing department (SPD) or central sterile supply department
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