1260 Red Fox Road ∙ Arden Hills, MN 55112 ∙ TEL: (651) 636-9770 ∙ FAX: (651) 636-8944
Kesselschmiedstrasse 10 ∙ D-85354 Freising, Germany ∙ TEL: 049-8161-4804-0 ∙ FAX: 049-8161-4804-18
Figure 14
Single Tap – Tap once to change the memory. This is the simplest to operate. This setting
may be falsely triggered by environmental noises such as a car door closing. If the user is
comfortable changing back to their preferred program if this occurs, this may be the
appropriate setting.
Double Tap – This requires two taps about ½ second apart to change memories. The
double tap switch option is less sensitive to false triggers than the single tap. This is the
recommended switch mode for new users.
Hold and Double Tap – This switch requires the fingers to be held over the canal opening
for about one second followed by two taps. This mode is the least prone to false triggers.
Notes regarding the different switching modes.
A few minutes of practice is typically sufficient for the wearer to become
comfortable with the tap function.
If the switch does not work, remove the hand and wait two seconds and try
Operating the tap switch does NOT require the device to be touched.
Inserting and Extracting the Wax Guard