H20man Trouble shooting guide
For a PC
1. First, make sure there is a brand new battery. The battery that comes with the
H20man is for demo purposes only
2. Make sure all files are in either MP3 or WMA format. These are the only music
files compatible with the H20man. If using music in a different format, such as
MP4, use a converter software to convert the music files to MP3 format.
3. If downloading music from a website make sure to check the compatibility
requirements. Some music sites encode their music to only be compatible with
certain devices.
To get around encoded music files here’s what some of our customers do:
A. Download the music to the computer
B. Burn the music to a CD
C. ‘Rip’ the music files from the burned CD to your computer. Refer to
the computer or music software’s user manual on how to operate the ‘Rip’
function. If using Microsoft word users can learn about how to ‘Rip files’
files at
In addition ‘Rip’ software can be downloaded for
Windows for free at:
D. Once music has been ‘ripped’, then transfer the music to the H20man.
This is a round about way of deleting encoded files
For a Mac
The same tips as above apply with one exception. The speed at which music is
transferred from your computer to the MP3 must be set at the lowest transfer speed of
128 kbs. This can be changed in the music organizer’s settings. Music will only transfer
and operate on the MP3 player at this setting.