INTEWA Ingenieur-Gesellschaft für
Energie- und Wassertechnik mbH
Verwaltung: Jülicher Straße 336
Lager: Jülicher Straße 342
D-52070 Aachen
Telefon: 0049-(0)241-96 605-0
Telefax: 0049-(0)241-96 605-10
E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.intewa.de
Rainwater harvesting system combinations
The RAINMASTER Eco can be used with almost all tanks and greywater systems and is an ideal
installation in new buildings and in older single family dwellings undergoing renovation. The most
important examples of system configurations can be found here:
Rainwater harvesting with the RAINMASTER Eco and an underground tank
You can even install below the backwater level (generally above street level)
1: RAINMASTER Eco Rainwater system 8: PURAIN Rainwater filter
2: Mains water connection
9: Floating suction filter SAUGSAGF
3: Pressure line set with expansion tank 10: Quiet intake
4: Pressure line to consumer
11: Protective conduit for suction line and sensor cable
5: Float switch
12: Rainwater inlet pipe
6: Suction line
13: MD-100 wall bushes
7: Emergency overflow