• When correctly positioned switch on your instrument by closing the battery door.
• You can as well insert the hearing instrument while in the on position. However you
might experience some feedback (whistling) during the operation.
Removing your instrument
• Using your thumb and index finger gently pull the hearing
instrument (not the battery door) from your ear. CIC instru-
ments and MC instruments often have a thin plastic pullout
cord. Use this. Never pull the battery door.
• Removal may be easier if you open and close your mouth
while simultaneously pulling your auricle backward with your
other hand.
Take some time at home to practice how to insert and remove your instrument. Work
conveniently positioning your elbows on a table and maybe using a mirror.
Inserting and removing the instrument
• The insertion process varies with the shape of your ear
canal. A fairly straight ear canal allows easy insertion. Howe-
ver, some ear canals have sharper curves and may require
more care.
• Take the hearing instrument between thumb and index finger
and position its ‘point’ in your ear canal. If available the colour
dot must point upwards on CIC instruments and on MC instru-
• Now slide the instrument all the way into your ear canal with
a gentle, twisting motion. Insertion can be easier if you gently
pull your auricle backward with your other hand.
• Move the instrument up and down with your index finger and press gently to ensure it
is positioned correctly. Opening and closing your mouth can aid insertion. You will feel
when the instrument is inserted correctly.