These instructions contain user level instructions for handling Divator Lite composite cylinders. It is
important to understand that charging cylinders and periodic inspections is governed by country
specific regulations; these instructions do not contain information available in the country specific
The document contains images of cylinder damages in order to allow the diver to do a quick
assessment whether a cylinder can be used or not. Assessment of different level of damages is
included for orientation purposes only.
DO NOT ATTempT TO Assess DAmAges beyOND smALL scrATches. If yOu Are
uNcerTAIN Of hOw The DAmAge OccurreD AN ANALysIs Of sTrucTurAL DAmAges musT
be uNDerTAkeN by AuThOrIzeD servIce ceNTre befOre cONTINueD use. fAILure TO cOmpLy
mAy resuLT IN INjurIes Or DeATh.
The Divator Lite cylinders are manufactured with full composite materials. A carbon fibre filament
and an outer wrap of glass fibres covers a thermoplastic liner. An epoxy resin reinforces the
carbon and glass fibres. The end fittings are made of acid-proof stainless steel.
The working pressure is 300 bar with a test pressure of 450 bar. The minimum burst pressure of
the Divator Lite cylinders is 900 bar. The cylinders have a Non-Limited Life (NLL) approval.
The cylinder valve has a burst disc to avoid overpressure. The burst disc is designed to open if the
pressure exceeds 450 bar. If the burst disc is released it cannot be reused, it must be replaced at
a service centre.
The breathing air used to charge the cylinders must be free from oil, toxic substances and have
an approved level of humidity. After charging the cylinder should be equipped with a protective
The breAThINg AIr musT meeT The requIremeNTs Of eN 12021.
Trained service staff members charge the cylinders in accordance with country specific regulations.
Detailed instructions are not covered by this document.
crackling sound
The Divator Lite cylinder is a full composite cylinder containing many layers of glass and carbon
fibres. These materials are expandable, when the cylinder is pressurized the layers move resulting
in a audible crackling sound. This is perfectly normal and no action is required.