Remove the pump shaft
Complete disassembly of the connecting rods units by removing them from the pump casing and
removing the piston guide pins.
Remove the pump shaft seal rings using common tools.
Remove the piston guide seal rings as described below: Use the extractor code 26019400
(Fig. 5, pos. 1) and the pliers code 25027000 (Fig. 5, pos 2). Insert the gripper as far as possible onto
the seal ring with the aid of a hammer (Fig. 5/a), subsequently screwing the extractor to the gripper,
and use the extractor hammer (Fig. 6) until the ring to be replaced is removed (Fig. 7).
A member of the Interpump Group
Page 5
Fig. 5
Fig. 5/a
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Ref 301038 Rev. A