4. All connections including cylinder valve should be coated with a soap solution. If
bubbles appear a leak is apparent.
S. Always be sure that the low pressure adjusting screw is completely backed off before
testing carbonator circuit for leaks. Otherwise, gas going into syrup tanks would cause
this high pressure gauge needle to balance with pressure in syrup tanks, which would be
a false indication of a leak in the carbonator circuit.
6. After it has been determined that there are no leaks in the carbonator circuit, open
C02 cylinder valve and adjust low pressure regulator to 15 psi. Allow enough time for the
syrup tanks to fill completely with gas, (5 minutes or longer).
7. Next, completely back off low-pressure regulator adjusting screw, and if gauge needle
of low-pressure regulator commence to move downward, there is leak in the low-pressure
circuit. Check all connections with a soap solution, paying particular attention to syrup
tank covers. If low pressure gauge needle remains stationary, there is no leak.