Intermec EasyCoder F4 – Installation & Operation Ed. 3
Chapter 9 Intermec Shell Startup Program
Terminal Setup, cont.
Changing the Setup
To set up the printer or use any other of the facilities, answer N
(No) to the “Select Application” prompt. The following example
illustrates how to enter the Setup Mode:
(Y / N / B):N
(Y / N / B):Y
From here you can navigate through the Setup Mode using the keys
on a VT100 terminal according to the same principles as when using
the printer’s own keyboard (see overviews in Chapter 8):
Key Action
u Move one menu to the left on the same level (same
as <F1>).
d Move one menu to the right on the same level (same
as <F2 >).
e Display error message at test label printing failure
(same as <F3>).
b Move up one level or scroll back in a stack of menus
(same as <F4>).
f Move down one level or scroll forward in a stack
of options (same as <F5>).
x Exit the setup (same as < Setup>).
0 – 9 Enter numeric values.
. Specify negative values (same as < . >).
Enter Acknowledge and move to next menu, perform
testfeeds, or print test labels (same as <Enter>).
Backspace Delete one character to the left of the cursor (same
as <C>).