Intermatic IOS-CMP-DT-LV Installation And Configuration Instructions Download Page 2


NOTE: There is a 40 sec warm-up period when power is first applied to unit.

The sensors are factory preset to allow for quick installation in most applications. Follow 

this procedure to verify the sensor coverage and customize the settings.

1.   Remove the front cover. Look for small opening on periphery of cover. With the help of a 

flathead screwdriver, snap off front cover.

2.   Make sure all the furniture in the sensing area is installed, the load is turned on and the 

HVAC systems are in the Override position.

3.   If there is a VAV system, set it to the highest airflow. Settings are modified by either 2 

trimpot dials, for Light and Ultrasonic sensitivity, and 8 DIP switches for Trigger Mode, 

PIR sensitivity, override, and time delay. See Figure 5 for location.

Figure 5


The Ultrasonic sensor sensitivity is set with ULTRASONIC trimpot (see Figure 5). Increase 

sensitivity for larger rooms, decrease sensitivity to avoid false triggers in smaller rooms and 

near doorway or heat source. Factory set to 50%.


Adjust the PIR sensitivity level with DIP Switch (1). The Up position sets the sensitivity to 

100%, while the down position adjusts the sensitivity level to 50%. Factory setting: 100%


The sensor trigger mode is set with DIP Switches 2, 3, 4. The unit can be set for motion 

detection to use: 

BOTH – requires motion detection by PIR and Ultrasonic sensors

EITHER – requires motion detection by one of the two sensor technologies

PIR – requires motion detection by PIR

ULTRASONIC – requires motion detection by ultrasonic sensor

There are 6 Trigger modes set with DIP Switches 2, 3, 4 as follows (See Table 1):


The sensor will hold the load ON as long as occupancy is detected.  The user defined TIME 

DELAY countdown starts when no motion is detected.  After TIME DELAY, loads will be turn 

OFF.  The TIME DELAY is set with DIP switches 5, 6, 7, as follows (See Table 2):


Warranty service is available by either (a) returning the product to the dealer from whom the unit was purchased or (b) completing a warranty claim online at This warranty is made by: Intermatic 

Incorporated, 1950 Innovation Way, Suite 300, Libertyville, IL 60048.  For additional product or warranty information go to: or call 815-675-7000.



The Ambient Light Level feature enables the user to adjust the ambient light level needed 

to be detected before the sensor turns the load ON. Remove the cover from the sensor and 

adjust the lighting from the light level trimpot on the sensor (see Figure 5). You can set the 

trimpot anywhere b and – to obtain the optimal brightness configuration for the 



DIP Switch (8) in down position, sensor will operate normally. DIP Switch (8) in up position 

will maintain sensor ON.

Load does not turn on with occupancy:

A.  Neither LED flashes:

1. Check that the circuit breaker has been turned back on.


2. Check all sensor and power pack wire connections.


3.  Check for 24 VDC input to the sensor between the red and black low voltage wires.


If 24 VDC is present, replace the sensor.


 If 24 VDC is not present, check the high voltage connections to the power pack.


 If high voltage connections are good and high voltage is present, replace the power pack.

Load does not turn off automatically

A.  Green LED flashes:

 1.  Reduce ultrasonic sensitivity by turning counter-clockwise until it only flashes when 

movement occurs.

B.  Red LED flashes:

1. Reduce PIR sensitivity by setting to 50% (DIP Switch 1).

Unwanted Sensor Activations (LED flashes):

A.  Possible causes and solutions:

1. Sensor located too close to HVAC or VAV vents with heavy air flow. Relocate the sensor.


2. The ultrasonic sensitivity may be too high. Reduce the ultrasonic sensitivity as needed.


3. The PIR sensitivity may be set too high. Mask the lens to reduce PIR coverage.

B.  Red LED does not flash:

1. When power is initially applied to the sensor, there is a warm-up period.


2. Make sure PIR sensitivity is set to 100% (DIP Switch 1).

C.  Green LED does not flash:

1. Ultrasonic sensitivity setting may need to be increased. Turn clockwise as needed.

C.  The load does not turn off:

1. Check all sensor and power pack wire connections.


2. Disconnect power pack blue wire.


- If load does not turn off, check power pack wiring. Replace the power pack if necessary. 


- If load turns off, the problem may be the sensor or wiring between the sensor and power pack.


3. Reconnect the blue wire.


- Turn sensitivity and time delay to minimum, and allow the sensor to time out.


- If load turns off, the sensor is working properly -adjust sensitivity and time delay for the sensor.


- If load does not turn off, check the wiring between the sensor and power pack.


- If wiring is correct, replace the sensor.

Table 1

Table 2

Up Position

Down Position

