The Ascend 7-Day Timer portfolio consists of two timer models:
ST700W Standard and STW700W Wi-Fi enabled. In addition to the
intuitive control interface common to both models, the Wi-Fi enabled
Timer offers a mobile app for access to a quick setup feature, the
ability to save schedules for easy transfer to other Ascend Wi-Fi
enabled timers, and convenient monitoring from any iOS or Android
mobile device. The STW700W has two wireless connection options:
Access Point Mode
• Creates a peer-to-peer communication network between the
Timer and your mobile device to offer a direct connection for
initial setup, scheduling, and remote control of your Timer.
• Provides the necessary communication between the Timer
and the App, through your mobile device, to connect the
Timer to a local Wi-Fi Network. The Timer’s Wi-Fi settings are
only accessible through the App.
• Access Point range is approximately 100'.
Wi-Fi Mode
• Connects the Timer to your local wireless network and
extends the mobile app range to match your network range.
• Allows initial set up and scheduling through Wi-Fi.
• Provides the benefit of constant connection with every Timer
on your network, when using the App.
Setup Instructions
• Go to the
Initial Setup at Timer
section for instructions.
• Go to the
Initial Setup at Timer
section for instructions.
• Go to the Apple Store or Google Play Store and download the
ASCEND 7-Day Timer App for initial setup.