D-0112389-I – 2022/04
Sera™ - Instructions for Use - EN
4.8.3 OAE measurement screen
During the OAE measurement, a bar graph for each of the frequencies in the test protocol reflects the
progress toward a pass (Table 11). The bar will fill up completely in color and a checkmark will appear above
the bar when the criteria for a pass is achieved at the specific frequency.
Additionally, horizontal bars for probe stability, noise and test progress appear. When noise and probe
stability are acceptable, a checkmark appears next to the horizontal bar.
Table 11:
DPOAE measurement screen.
Screen area/graphic
Function name
Test status
Indicates device is in
testing mode.
Patient information.
Displays the selected
patient name.
Test progress bars.
Provides feedback
about the test progress
for reaching a Pass
Noise bar with
checkmark if noise is
Indicates acceptable
noise rejection level
and status.
Time bar.
Elapsed test time.
Stop button.
Stops the test; assigns
an Incomplete result.
screening button.
Pause/Continue the