InTemp CX405 RTD Manual Download Page 2


InTemp CX405 RTD Dry Ice Logger Manual 

1-508-759-9500 (U.S. and International) 2 

1-800-LOGGERS (U.S. only) 

Logger Components and Operation 


Start Button:

 Press this button for 1 second to start the logger 

when it is configured to start “on button push.” 

Mute or Next Button: 

Press this button for 1 second to mute a 

beeping alarm (see 

Logger Alarms

) or to switch between the 

external probe and ambient internal sensor temperature 



 There are four magnets on the back of the logger (not 

shown in diagram) for mounting. 

Temperature Sensor: 

This internal sensor measures ambient 



Temperature Probe:

 This is the built-in external probe for 

measuring temperature. 

Audible Alarm Speaker:

 This is the speaker for the audible 

alarm that beeps when an alarm is tripped. 

Alarm LED:

 This LED blinks every 5 seconds when an alarm is 

tripped (see 

Logger Alarms



: This screen shows the latest temperature reading and 

other status information. The LCD screen refreshes at the same 
rate as the logging interval. The example shows all symbols 
illuminated on the LCD screen followed by a table with 
descriptions of each symbol.  


LCD Symbol 



An alarm has tripped because the temperature 
reading is outside the specified range 


The logger has been configured to perform daily or 
twice daily checks (twice daily is shown in this 
example), but no checks have been performed yet.  

LCD Symbol 



The once daily or twice daily logger check (twice in 
this example) has been performed. 


This indicates how much memory has been used 
for the current configuration. In this example, 
approximately 40 percent of the memory has been 


This shows the approximate battery power 


The logger is currently logging. 


The logger is currently connected to a phone or 
tablet via BlueTooth. The more bars there are, the 
stronger the signal. 


The logger is waiting to be started. Press and hold 
the Start button for 3 seconds to start the logger. 


This is an example of a temperature reading from 
the external probe. 

This is an example of a temperature reading from 
the internal sensor. 


This is an example of a minimum temperature, 
which is the lowest probe temperature reading 
from the day within the current 24-hour period 
(midnight from one day to midnight the next day) 
if the logger was set to record logger checks (see 

Performing Logger Checks

). Otherwise the 

minimum and maximum readings represent the 
entire logging period and only reset when the 
logger is downloaded and restarted or stopped 
and reconfigured. 


This is an example of a maximum temperature, 
which is the highest probe temperature reading 
from the day within the current 24-hour period 
(midnight from one day to midnight the next day) 
if the logger was set to record logger checks (see 

Performing Logger Checks

). Otherwise the 

minimum and maximum readings represent the 
entire logging period and only reset when the 
logger is downloaded and restarted or stopped 
and reconfigured. 



MUTE indicates an alarm is beeping. Turn off the 
beeping alarm by pressing the Mute button. The 
LCD then changes to MUTED. 


The audible alarm has been muted. 


The logger has been configured to start logging on 
a delay. The display will count down in days, 
hours, minutes, and seconds until logging begins. 
In this example, 5 minutes and 38 seconds remain 
until logging will begin. 


The profile settings are being loaded onto the 


An error occurred while loading the profile 
settings onto the logger. Try reconfiguring the 


The logger was paged from the InTemp app. 


The logger has been downloaded and stopped 
with the InTemp app or because the memory is 


The logger is being updated with new firmware. 


If the logger has stopped logging because the memory is 

full, the LCD screen will remain on with “STOP” displayed until 

Temperature probe 


Alarm LED 

Start button 

Audible alarm 

One of four 
magnets (on 
back of logger) 

sensor (behind 

Mute or Next 
