DIN-Rail Installation
Troubleshooting instructions:
1. Make sure the power is connected and turned on.
2. Make sure the converter Ethernet and fiber optic cables are
connected properly.
3. Check the connections according to the connection diagram.
4. Check the LED Indication status and identify possible problems
from the Indication LED table above.
1. Media Converter is a sen sitive electronic item, please do han dle
with extra care on delivery, shifting and hum idity.
2. This unit will be warranty for 5 years.
3. W henever there is a problem regarding the qu ality issue with in
the warranty period, we will take the responsibility to repair with
4. After the warranty period, we will charge accordingly
depending on the fault or dam age.
5. W henever there is a fault, you can contact our technical support
after you identify the problem and the alarm.