ZHC4013_Application Guidance
Chengdu Zongheng Intelligent Control Technology Co., Ltd.
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3.6. Restore factory settings
A) The device can be restored to factory settings by operating the RESET button.
Step 1: Power on the device.
Step 2: Press and hold the RESET button until the indicator lights of the device are
all off, and immediately release the reset button, the device is restored to factory settings
If it is found that the serial port of the device starts to actively send JSON data packets after
reset, it indicates that the reset button has been pressed for too long and the device enters the local
firmware upgrade mode. At this time, power off the device and perform the reset operation again.
B) Restore factory settings by issuing Modbus/JSON commands.
Modbus instructions:55 06 20 14 00 02 4E 1B
JSON command:{"msgType":"setDeviceConfig","data": {" sysCmd ": "2"}}