User Manual | CMR-6100
19 Intelleflex Confidential
A-2 For OS X ( Linux):
Systems for Mac and Linux are very similar, but may not work on every Linux build. The outline below
describes using a program called
. If this program is not installed on your system search on the
Internet for your specific Linux system and use the appropriate packet manager , “apt-get” for example,
and obtain the
Open up a Terminal Window. On OS X this can be found under “Applications” -> “Utilities” -> Terminal.
Or hit “Command-Space” and type in “Terminal”.
Once you have a terminal window open, type the following Linux commands. Note that they might be
slightly different based upon which version of Linux that is running.
Figure 0-1 Terminal Commands
The first command in black italic font will show all the “tty.” Devices attached to the machine. Look for
the device that is label “usbserial-A500…”, it is in green font in Figure 5.2-1. Once the name of the serial
device has been identified, look for the second line in black font “screen /dev/tty.usbserial-A500….” with
a baud rate setting of 115200.
The CMR-6100 has now been connected over serial providing system information, enabling network
configurations, or restoring system defaults.