tation and insurance costs, including taking and return after repaired, are under
responsibility of the customer.
5. The warranty will be entirely voided if any of the following cases occur: a) if the
defect is not due to manufacturing, but caused by the Customer or by third parties
foreign to the manufacturer; b) if the product damages are caused by accident,
disasters, agents of nature (lightning, flooding, landslide, etc.), humidity, network
voltage, over-voltage caused by accident or excessive network voltage fluctua-
tions), installation/use in disagreement with the user’s manual or due to natural
wear of parts, pieces and components; c) if the product had suffered any effects of
chemical, electromagnetic, electric or animal (insects, etc.) nature; d) if the product
serial number was altered or erased; and e) if the appliance is flawed.
6. This warranty does not cover data loss, therefore, in case of a product, it is advis-
able to the Customer to regularly make secure backup of the product data.
7. Intelbras is not liable for the installation of this product, as well as eventual at-
tempts of fraud and/or sabotage in their products. Keep software and applications
up to date, and if necessary, the required network protections against intrusions
(hackers). The equipment is warranted against defects under normal conditions of
use, and it is important to bear in mind that, because it is an electronic equipment,
it is not protected from attempts of frauds or misleading actions that may interfere
in its correct operation,
8. After its useful life, the product must be delivered to an Intelbras authorized sup-
port service or perform environmentally proper final disposal in order to avoid
environmental or health impacts. If you prefer, useless cells and batteries as well
as other Intelbras branded electronic appliances may be disposed at any Green
Eletron collection points (electro-electronic residues management company to
which we are associated). If you have any questions about the reverse logistics
process, contact us by phone (48) 2106-0006 or 0800 704 2767 (from Monday to
Friday at 8 AM to 8 PM, and on Saturday at 8 AM to 6 PM) or via e-mail suporte@
Also under these supplementary Term of Warranty, Intelbras S/A reserves the right
to alter general, technical or aesthetics features without prior notice.
The manufacturing process of this product is not subject to ISO 14001 requirements.
All images in this manual are for illustrative purposes only.