Error Messages
BIOS Error Messages
Table 41.
BIOS Error Messages
Error Message
Diskette drive A error
Drive A is present but fails the POST diskette tests. Check that the drive
is defined with the proper diskette type in Setup and that the diskette drive
is installed correctly.
Extended RAM Failed at offset:
Extended memory not working or not configured properly at offset
Failing Bits:
The hexadecimal number
nnnn is a map of the bits at the RAM address
(System, Extended, or Shadow memory) that failed the memory test.
Each 1 in the map indicates a failed bit.
Fixed Disk 0 Failure or
Fixed Disk 1 Failure or
Fixed Disk Controller Failure
Fixed disk is not working or not configured properly. Check to see if fixed
disk is installed properly. Run Setup to be sure the fixed-disk type is
correctly identified.
Incorrect Drive A type - run
Type of diskette drive for drive A not correctly identified in Setup.
Invalid NVRAM media type
Problem with NVRAM (CMOS) access.
Keyboard controller error
The keyboard controller failed test. Try replacing the keyboard.
Keyboard error
Keyboard not working.
Keyboard error nn
BIOS discovered a stuck key and displayed the scan code nn for the stuck
Keyboard locked - Unlock key
Unlock the system to proceed.
Monitor type does not match
Monitor type not correctly identified in Setup.
Operating system not found
Operating system cannot be located on either drive A or drive C. Enter
Setup and see if fixed disk and drive A are properly identified.
Parity Check 1
Parity error found in the system bus. BIOS attempts to locate the address
and display it on the screen. If it cannot locate the address, it displays
Parity Check 2
Parity error found in the I/O bus. BIOS attempts to locate the address and
display it on the screen. If it cannot locate the address, it displays ????.
Press <F1> to resume, <F2> to
Displayed after any recoverable error message. Press <F1> to start the
boot process or <F2> to enter Setup and change any settings.
Real time clock error
Real-time clock fails BIOS test. May require motherboard repair.
Shadow RAM Failed at offset:
Shadow RAM failed at offset
nnnn of the 64 KB block at which the error
was detected.
System battery is dead -
Replace and run SETUP
The CMOS clock battery indicator shows the battery is dead. Replace the
battery and run Setup to reconfigure the system.
System cache error - Cache
RAM cache failed the BIOS test. BIOS disabled the cache.
System CMOS checksum bad -
System CMOS RAM has been corrupted or modified incorrectly, perhaps
by an application program that changes data stored in CMOS. Run Setup
and reconfigure the system either by getting the default values and/or
making your own selections.
System RAM Failed at offset:
System RAM failed at offset
nnnn of the 64 KB block at which the error
was detected.
System timer error
The timer test failed. Requires repair of system motherboard.
nnnn = hexadecimal number