Intel® Server Board S3420GPRX User Guide
When Intel
Embedded Server RAID Technology II is enabled with the SAS Module
AXX4SASMOD, enclosure management is provided through the SAS_SGPIO or SES
connector on the SAS Module AXX4SASMOD when a cable is attached between this
connector and the backplane or I2C interface.
Note: For help with navigating the BIOS Setup utility, refer to the Intel
Server Board
S3420GPRX Technical Product Specification.
For information on how to configure RAID, see the RAID software user's guide at:
For information about configure IT/IR RAID, see the IT/IR RAID software user's guide at:
Remote Management Module 3 Lite
The Intel
Remote Management Module 3 Lite plugs into connectors on the Intel
Board S3420GPRX, acting as components of the server board—not as separate products.
You must install these two components together.
These components provide a way to view and operate the server remotely in real time.
Keyboard, video, and mouse control (KVM) is redirected to a managing system; this
provides remote control of the server. USB media redirection allows you to use a USB
device anywhere on the network as if it was installed on the managed server. For example,
you can insert a CD-ROM disk in a workstation CD-ROM drive and the managed server
views it as its own local CD-ROM drive.
RMM3 Lite has no physical dedicated network interface, but BMC FW still contains
corresponding logical BMC channel 3. The user cannot access BMC channel 3
RMM3 Lite connector (J2D1) is NOT compatible with RMM3.
RMM3 Lite functionality is the same as RMM3. The user can refer the
RMM3 User
for instructions.
Local Control Panel
The Intel
Local Control Panel provides enhanced system control by using a LCD
display, which provides additional controls and indicators beyond the standard control
Note: Use of this feature requires the installation of either the Intel
Management Module -
Advanced or Professional.