background image

Copyright ©2000 Intel Corporation.

All rights reserved.
*Other brands and names are the property

of their respective owners.



Online Help

For further details on the features and capabilities of your Intel


 Pocket Concert™ Audio Player and the

accompanying software, or to locate troubleshooting information, consult the online Help at:

Start > Programs > Intel Pocket Concert Audio Player> Intel Pocket Concert Audio Player Help

Customer Support

For assistance with MusicMatch Jukebox*:

log on to the World Wide Web and connect to

send email to 

[email protected]

For assistance with the Intel


 Audio Manager software or the Player:

click Start > Programs > Intel Pocket Concert Audio Player > Customer Support > Customer
Support Online


call Intel Customer Support at (916) 377-7000

Note:  Your Player’s serial number is located on the inside of the Player’s 

battery cover


Notices & Warranty Information

For information about warranties, copyrights and trademarks, disclaimers, FCC compliance, liability, and
battery disposal, consult the 

Player Information document at:

Start > Programs > Intel Pocket Concert Audio Player> Intel Pocket Concert Audio Player

Additional Resources

MusicMatch Jukebox Upgrade Key

Setting Up Your Computer

Note:  When the Player is in the Stereo Dock, connect 

either the Player or the Stereo Dock to your


Installing the Software

To install the software provided with your Player:


Insert the included CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.

If the install doesn’t start automatically: click the Start menu and then click Run.

In the Run dialog box, type: “[x]:\setup.exe” where [x] is the letter of your computer’s CD-ROM drive.


Follow the on-screen prompts.  When requested, enter the 

MusicMatch Jukebox Upgrade Key exactly

as it is printed on the back of this guide.

What’s on the CD-ROM

Use the software provided with your Intel


 Pocket Concert™ Audio Player to create, organize, and enjoy

your own digital audio library.



 Audio Manager

Use the Audio Manager to quickly and easily transfer digital audio files to your Player.

MusicMatch Jukebox* (Plus Version)

Use MusicMatch Jukebox to organize a digital audio library, rip and encode your personal CD
collection for use on your Player, and burn CDs with your CD-R drive.

Complete online documentation is supplied with each of these software programs.



 Audio Sampler

The Audio Sampler is a diverse collection of digital audio files that can be loaded onto your
computer during installation.

To read more about the Audio Sampler: insert the Player’s installation CD-ROM, click 

Browse the


, double-click


, double-click

  Intel Audio Sampler

, double-click 


Connecting the Player to Your Computer


Connect the small end of the included USB cable to the 

USB port

 on your



Connect the large flat end of the USB cable to a USB port on your computer.

While your Player is connected to a powered USB port:

Power is supplied by the USB connection conserving battery power.

It’s fully functional while the 

power/lock switch

 is in the 

On position.

Connecting to Your Computer with the Intel


 Audio Stereo Dock

Use the optional Stereo Dock to make connecting your Player to your
computer quicker and easier.


Connect the small end of the USB cable included with your Player to the 



 on your Stereo Dock.


Connect the large flat end of the USB cable to a USB port on your computer.


Place your Player in the Stereo Dock and turn on your Player.

While your Player is in the Stereo Dock that is connected to a powered USB port:

Power is supplied by the USB connection conserving battery power.

It’s fully functional while the 

power/lock switch

 is in the 

On position.
