A Error Messages and Indicators
Intel Desktop Board DH55HC reports POST errors in two ways:
By sounding a beep code and blinking the front panel power LED
By displaying an error message on the monitor
BIOS Error Codes
Whenever a recoverable error occurs during POST, the BIOS causes the board’s
speaker to beep and the front panel power LED to blink an error message indicating
the problem (see Table 17).
Table 17. BIOS Beep Codes
F2 Setup/F10 Boot
Menu Prompt
One 0.5 second beep when the BIOS is
ready to accept keyboard input
932 Hz
BIOS update in
Video error (no add-
in graphics card
On-off (1.0 second each) two times, then a
2.5-second pause (off), the entire pattern
repeats (beeps and pause) once and the
BIOS will continue to boot.
932 Hz
For processors requiring
an add-in graphics card
Memory error
On-off (1.0 second each) three times, then
a 2.5-second pause (off), the entire pattern
repeats (beeps and pause) until the system
is powered off.
932 Hz
Thermal trip warning Alternate high and low beeps (1.0 second
each) for eight beeps followed by system
shut down.
High beep 2000 Hz
Low beep 1500 Hz