Chapter 4. Using the Link Required Option
Configuring Access Point Bridging and Repeating (WLAP Mode)
Figure 4-2: Link Required Operation for Maintaining Ethernet Link
By viewing the WLAP RF Statistics screen, you can determine whether or not a wireless link exists
between access points. In the example network in Figure 4-2, no wireless link exists between the
access points as long as they are both connected to the Ethernet. For this condition, the WLAP RF
Statistics screen (Figure 4-3) shows the Current State as Functional, the Itf State as DIS (disabled),
and the WLAP Itf MAC Addr as zero.
If one of the access points in the network in Figure 4-2 loses its Ethernet connection, it resets and
initiates a wireless connection with the other access point. When the process of making the wireless
link is completed, the WLAP RF Statistics screen (Figure 4-4) shows the Itf State as FWD
(forward) and the WLAP Itf MAC Addr as the MAC address of the other access point.
Settings on Both Access Points:
WLAP Mode = Link Required.
WLAP Priority = 8000.
WLAP Manual BSS ID = 0.
Ethernet Timeout = 0.
If an access point loses its Ethernet connection, it resets and makes
a wireless link to the Ethernet through the other access point.